Two nights before the DC Infertile's Luncheon, I asked M. if Expedia would let you exchange a ticket, if you decided not to use it. "Sure," he said, "but why?" I told him that my throat was scratchy, and I had a headache. And there was a good chance that I'd be feeling really lousy come Wednesday morning. Plus I was really backed up at work and couldn't afford to take the day off. AND I should be attacking the laundry piles instead of jetting off for lunch AND...
Truth is, I was having a bit of a fit. This has become my modus operandi whenever I'm meeting new people these days. Or leaving the house for that matter. For the day-to-day stuff it's more of an internal freakout, and I manage to pull myself together and do what I have to do. I do, however, find myself retreating more and more from social gatherings. Especially when it involves meeting new people or people whom I haven't seen in a long time.
You see, I've gained fifty pounds in the past two and a half years. I partially blame the fact that I was pregnant for nine out of those 30 months and I ate to console myself after each miscarriage. But now, it's just become a bad habit - not making good choices, not stopping myself when I should. So, my weight gain + my reproductive struggles + another source of frustration that I, following Dooce's advice, don't blog about = a pretty unhappy me. A me who prefers to stay home and face the world through a computer.
However, when my alarm went off at 5:00 AM on Wednesday morning, I jumped up and got ready. And in control top pantyhose, a long black skirt, and a lot more makeup than usual, I went out the door feeling reasonably OK. In the end, I couldn't bring myself to bag out at the last minute, not after saying I would attend. Plus, I truly wanted to meet the bloggers (Lori, Flicka, Thalia, Jenn, Cass, & Manuela) who would be there.
And I am SO glad that I went. The Tabard Inn was absolutely charming. The tour of the Capitol building, spectacular. The company? Incredibly warm, lovely, brilliant, funny, vibrant, insightful (and very stylishly accessorized) - women from interesting and varied backgrounds united in the understanding of what it's like to struggle hard to become a mother. It felt great to spend the day connecting with others who really get that. It was truly good for the soul. For a detailed play-by-play of the day, visit Flicka's site.
When I got home, my husband asked how it went. I told him, "better than I could have hoped." Now how often do you get to say that?
And I'm finding myself rather inspired by my experience at the DC gathering. Knowing what I might have missed had I chosen to stay home, I'm thinking it's high time for me for me to stop hiding and start living life with more gusto. I don't know what that means exactly yet, but I do know that something's got to change. I've had enough of my current scene, really. And hell, I figure this is as good a time as any to make a fresh start.
So no specific resolutions, only to live better and to live more. And thanks, ladies of the luncheon, for providing the spark I so desperately needed. Y'all (wink wink Lori) are amazing!
And special thanks to Flicka for doing all the leg work (and what legs!) for us. And for making those incredible Infertility Survival Kits. And, yes, my candy is already gone! Hey it's not '06 yet!
And also special thanks to Lori & her husband for hooking us up with that fabulous tour of the Capitol building. It was the perfect afternoon event. And thanks again, Lori, and also Manuela for sticking around & having dinner with me since I had time to kill before my flight back. It was great to have some extra time with you both.
Happy New Year everyone. I hope '06 is a good one for us all!